Issue Position: Economic Security

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2015

Michael Cole wants to provide the residents with economic security

A nation exists to protect its people, to allow for a promotion of the general welfare for ourselves and our posterity. If we as a nation cannot provide for the basic economic security of our nation and its people, what is the point of showing up? Americans should not be wondering about just surviving. To secure a strong Southeast Texas economy, we must

Increase the Minimum Wage Studies have shown that every time the minimum wage has gone up, the buying power of the working class increases and the economy prospers.

Protect Social Security and Medicare After working and paying into the social security system, it is a breach of trust and outright theft, to then tell seniors that their retirement is not secure. Social Security is a solvent agency, when left alone by Congress and the White House. The Social Security trust fund must be off limits for purposes other than what it was intended. Additionally, removing the Social Security withholding cap will double the life of the trust fund without reduction of benefits.

Preserve the Middle Class It is unconscionable that hardworking families face downsizing and loss of work so corporations can maintain profit margins and healthy stock options by moving jobs off sho
